Oh boy

So this past summer was really fantastic. I hung out with some people and did some fun things (: my dance team took second and marching team took third!! Anyway I’m a junior now and everything has been going really well. I’ve got really good grades, the lowest is a c, and I’m surrounded by really good people. I’m in 3 choirs, jazz, a cap, and concert and it’s so much fun. I’m also in my third year of German this year and I’m going to Germany in the summer!! I’m so excited!! My partner’s name is Rebecca and she is sooo cool. I work at Wahooz, and that’s fun but I kind of want to do something else. I work as a server but I would really like to work in the park. But that’s okay. Money is money and I need the money for Germany (: im not dating anyone, but that’s okay. My best friend, Becker,  graduated this past year so it’s really different not getting to see him as often as I’d like to. But. I still get to talk to him and such. Sometimes I still feel like I don’t know how to talk to him. Mainly in person. But I’m working on it. Hopefully he never sees this, but if he does then oh well I guess. 

That’s a really bad picture but that’s him. He’s 5’2″ and my favorite person in the entire world. 

I’ve gotten really into makeup recently too. I’m always trying to do different things (: sometimes it looks good and other times it doesnt, but I’m working on it.

Finals Day 2

Today went went by super fast. Today I only had german and speech finals to tale and they were super easy. German was 97 questions but it was super simple. Speech was 62 and it was a breeze. I know for a fact i did well on my finals. I only have two more to take. I’ve done super well this year and I’m so happy to say that I didn’t fail anything and I’m moving up (: ahhh I’m super stoked.

Finals day 1

Well, today is the first day of finals. 3rd and 4th period today. English and math (great). I just finished the English one which wasn’t really that bad. It was grammar and then questions about the play we just read (midsummer night’s dream) I was nick bottom! Math was hard. I actually got a D on it..but I still passed math so I’m not too entirely worried. It was a good day (:


So I just logged into this again for the first time in about a year. Jacob and I broke up over that summer about a week or two after school got out. I then dated Jacob Becker. Which was okay but it ended quickly. But that summer was amazing. I’m about to start my last week of sophomore year. It feels like just yesterday I was walking in as a scared little freshman. Now  growing up and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. My friends this year have been so completely amazing to me. There were definitely some times when I wanted to give up. To quit. But they stuck by me. I’m so lucky to have all of them. It’s so nostalgic looking back at this year, but I know I can and will do so many great things in my life. I just want to make a few quick shoutouts to a few people who changed my life in a positive way this year.

First, Ethan Rodin. My god this child. He deserves so much more than a paragraph in a blog no one will ever read. But I love this boy so so much. During the school musical this year I was having some hard times. I came to him and instantly I knew I could trust him. He would come to me with some problems and I would do my best to help him, and I knew I could always come to him. There were quite a few things I talked to him about during that time. Mainly boys. But some other things too. He’s helped me through so much and been such such a positive influence on me this year and I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

A few more people (I won’t go as in depth) Emma vanblaricom, you are truly an amazing person and an even better friend and there’s no one else in the world I’d rather be like. Kristin Still, I love you to pieces. I’ve known you since third grade and you’ve always been just a phone call away. Even though you haven’t really been at school much this year, I know you’re always there.

Shelby. Roeder. Oh dear. I’m actually crying right now. Thank you for being my mom during the musical when I thought I had no one else I could come to for help. You listened to me through tears and pain and never once judged me. I don’t know if you’ll ever see this. But I wanted to thank you. For everything you’ve done for me. I promise you I will make sure your motherliness will continue as years go on. I’m going to miss you so stinkin much next year and I really hope you’ll come and visit. Shelby I’m crying right now because you were such an influence on me and that means more to me than you know. My parents still aren’t doing so hot, but I know I can always get a hold of you. Thank you so much for being like a mom/older sister/best friend. I love you so so much and I’m  really. Going to miss you. β™‘β™‘


I knew I would forget. I knew it. 

So anyway.

The end of the school year was pretty okay. Not too hectic. Of course Jacob was always there for me.πŸ’˜. Freshman year was actually pretty easy. I can’t wait for Sophomore year. 

Anywhoooo. If anyone is even reading this, I figure I should tell you a little bit about Jacob. 

His full name is Jacob Edward Padgett, and he is the  literal greatest man on Earth. He makes me so happy. I couldn’t ask for anyone better. He’s 17. Which makes him 2 years older than me. I don’t care about the age difference. No one does. He is so perfect. He doesn’t believe me when I tell him he is, but that just makes him more perfect. I love him with all my heart, but he won’t believe that either due to past events with people. I don’t mind. He says it takes time. I know how that is. Hopefully he’ll get there one day and he will be able to say it back to me. I don’t want to rush him, though. So until that day comes, I just have to take things one step at a time. β€οΈπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’˜πŸ™ŒπŸ»

This past school year was a blessing. I made a lot of new friends, and became closer with my old ones. I also met my now, boyfriend of about 2 weeks. I like him a lot. And I mean really like him. But that’s besides the point. My friends are the greatest people in the entire universe, and I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to be forced to see everyday at school 😏 I love them all with all my heart. 

Everyone says freshman year is the worst and that everyone hates it. But, this year was probably the greatest year of my life. I mean, minus when I was 7 and I got to live in a house with 7 trees in the backyard ☺️ I love climbing trees so that was like heaven. Anyway, my advice, is that if you want to have great friends and lead a good life, be kind to the people around you, and they’ll be kind back. I mean except for those girls that you really want to just punch in the face sometimes. I say  punch ’em. If you’re gonna get in trouble for punching someone, might as well do it hard, right?

Hey There(:

Hi(: I’m Harmoni, and I’m 15 years old. My friend told me I should start a blog, so here I am(: I’m hoping to keep this going throughout the remainder of high school, or at least until I forget about it cx So, yeah. Fair warning: I’m a basic teenager with no life. So, enjoy!